Photography by Gerardo Oronoz.
The Laurissilva forest is a group of tall trees and climbing plants with broad leaves, resembling laurel.
Trade winds blow mostly from the northeast and are very humid, although they do not bring much rain. When these winds move up the slopes, the moisture condenses and forms masses of clouds called «Sea of Clouds», which cool the temperature.
In such an environment, the Laurissilva forest has survived, made up of species with laurel-like leaves such as viñátigos. These species grow on north-facing slopes between 400 and 1,200 meters above sea level, with an average climate that oscillates between 12º and 14º C throughout the year and limited rainfall. Laurissilva forest plants trap water and contribute a quantity of wáter to the soil.
The Fayal-Brezal, is made up of plants such as holly, heather, torviscas and fayas. These two groups are known as Monteverde. Previously, the term «laurel forest» was used to describe this type of forest of the Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores, now it is Monteverde.
There are various types of plants and flowers found in the undergrowth, including bicacaro, brambles, bejeques, greens, and ferns.
Fotografías de Gerardo Oronoz.
Comply with the rules, consult them on the web pages. Do not damage the spaces you see and do not leave traces of garbage.
Look the at link the Cabezo del Tejo Viewpoint, which is also located in the Anaga Rural Park and belongs to the «El Pijaral» Integral Nature Reserve.
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